Sunday 1 December 2013

A Small Information For WINDOWS7 USERS

Windows7 comes in six different editions.
Each edition has a different set of features.

Only the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions can be configured to join a domain.
Only the Enterprise and Ultimate editions include enterprise features such as
BitLocker, AppLocker, DirectAccess, and BranchCache

Windows 7 comes in two different versions. The 32-bit version is also known as the x86 version and
The 64-bit version is also known as the x64 version.
The 32-bit versions support a maximum of 4 GB of RAM.
The x64 versions support between 8 GB and 128 GB, depending on the edition.
Windows 7 Home Basic and Starter editions require a 1 GHz x86 or x64 CPU, 512 MB of system memory, 20 GB HDD, and a 32-MB graphics adapter that supports DirectX9

Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions require a 1 GHz x86 or x64 CPU, 1 GB of system memory, 20 GB HDD, and a 128-MB graphics adapter that supports a WDDM driver, Pixel Shader 2.0, 32 bits per pixel, and DirectX9 graphics

Facts about computers and IT Field.

1.A byte means 8 bits and a nibblemeans 4 bits.
2.First harddisk available was of 5MB
3.Ethernet is the registered trademark 0f Xerox. uses over 10000 network computers to crawl the web.
5.Google can be queried in 26 languages
6.The floopy disk was patented byallen shugart in 1946.
7.More than 80% of web pages are in english.
8. 88% percent web pages have very low traffic rate.
9. An average american is dependent on 250 computers.
10.Internet is most fastest growing platform for advertisement.
11.About one third of CDs are pirated
12.About 76% softwares used in india are pirated.
13.Only 10% of the webpages are used by the search engines
14."I am feeling Lucky" This button is used by negligible no of people on net.
15.Bill gates & Paul Allen started a company called Traf-O-Data to
monitor traffic flow.
16.The four largest software makers in the world are:
(a) Microsoft
(b) Adobe
(c) Sap
(d) Computer Associates.
17.Top Ten Supercomputers of Today's Generation Arranged according to the speed:
1. Bluegene/ L DD2 Beta-system (IBM).
2. Columbia (NASA).
3. Earth Simulator (NEC).
4. MareNostrum(Bar celona Supercomputer Center).
5. Thunder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).
6. ASCI Q(Los Alamos National Laboratory).
7. System X(Virgina Tech).
8. Blugene/L DD1 Prototype(IBM).
9. eServer pSeries 655 cluster (Naval Oceanographic Office).
10. Tungsten(National Center ForSupercomputing Applications).

C++ Tutorial

C++ Tutorial

1. Introduction

1.1. Why do people program?
1.2. What is C++ & OOP?
1.3. What do I need to program?
2. Your first program

2.1. Running a C++ program
2.2. C++ program structure
2.4. Libraries
2.5. Functions
2.6. Streams
2.7. Return

3. Number Systems

3.1. Decimals
3.2. Binaries
3.3. Hexadecimals

4. Exercises

4.1. EX 1 : Running
4.2. EX 2 : Typing
4.3. EX 3 : Converting

5. What now?

5.1. Good programming sites
5.2. Good books on C++


1.1. Why do People Program?

Each person can have his own reason for programming but I can tell you that programming is one of the best ways to gain a deep understanding of computers and computer technology. Learning to program makes you understand why computers and computer programs work the way they do. It also puts some sense into you about how hard it is to create software.

1.2. What is C++ & OOP?

C++ is an extended version C. C was developed at Bell Labs, in 1978. The purpose was to create a simple language (simpler than assembly & machine code...) which can be used on a variety of platforms. Later in the early 1980's C was extended to C++ to create an object-oriented language. O(bject) O(riented) P(rogramming) is a style of programming in which programs are made using Classes. A class id code in a file separate from the main program - more on classes later. OOP in general & C++ in particular made it possible to handle the complexity of graphical environments. (like windows, macintosh..)

1.3. What do I need to program?

Well, you need a computer and a compiler to start with but you also need some curiosity and a lot of time. I guess(!?) you have a computer. You can find different compilers for free from borlands website (Check 5.1). If you have the curiosity but lack in time read stuff at lessons and detention hours. Read whenever you find time. Having a good C++ book (check 5.2) also helps a lot. (and is much better for your eyes) One thing not to forget: No tutorial, book, program or course makes you a programmer in 5 days. YOU make yourself a programmer. NO compiler writes an entire program for you, YOU write the program.


2.1. Running a C++ Program

Read this part carefully: A C++ program must be compiled and linked before it can be executed, or run, on the computer. A great lot of compilers do this automatically. So what is a compiler? A compiler is a program that translates C++ code into machine language. Machine language is the language consisting of 1s and 0s, and is the native language of a computer. A typed C++ program is called the source-code, and the compiled code is called the object code.

Before the object code can be executed, it must be linked to other pieces of code (e.g. included libraries) used by the program. The compiled & linked program is called an executable file. Finally, the program is executed by the system. It's output is displayed in a window.

2.2. C++ Program Structure

All C++ progs contain statements (commands) that tell the computer what to do. Here is an example of a simple C++ program:

/* Downloaded from
We own you program */

# include <iostream.h>

int main()
cout<<"We own you"; // the first statement
return(0); // the second statement

Run the program. It should display :

We own you

The structure of a simple C++ program is:

/* Comments : Name, purpose of the program 
your name, date, etc. */

# include <librarynames.h>

int main()
statements; // comments
Now we will have a closer look on the structure:


Comments are used to explain the contents of a program for a human reader. The computer ignores them. The symbols /* and */ are used for the beginning and end of a comment for multi-line comments. // symbols are also used for commenting. All characters on a line after the // symbol are considered to be comments and are ignored. Most newbies think that commenting a program is a waste of time. They are wrong. Commenting is very important because it makes the code understandable by other programmers and makes it easier to improve a program or fix the bugs in it. You'll understand better after trying to decipher a hundred pages of code you wrote a few months later.

2.4. Libraries

Look at the program above. Following the opening comment was the line:

# include <iostream.h>

This line simply tells the computer that the iostream library is needed therefore it should be included. A library is a collection of program code that can be included (and used) in a program to perform a variety of tasks. iostream is a library - also called as a header file, look at its extension - used to perform input/output (I/O) stream tasks. There are a lot of non-commercial C++ libraries for various purposes written by good guys who spent more than enough time in front of their computers. You can find them at Also references to all libraries used in the tutorials can be found on the net.

2.5. Functions

The next line in the program was:

int main()

Which is the header of the main function. Makes sense? No? A function is a set of statements that accomplish a task. A function header includes the return type of the function and the function name. As shown in the main() header, main returns an integer(int) through return(0). So all the functions that have an integer as the return type returns integers. Very clear. The statements in a function (in this case the main function) are enclosed in curly braces. The { and } symbols indicates the beginning and the end of statements. More on functions later.

2.6. Streams

What is a stream? In C++ input/output devices are called streams. cout (we used above) is the c(onsole) out(put) stream, and the send (insertion) operator is used to send the data "We own you" into the stream. In the first statement:

cout<<"We own you";

The words following the << operator are put in quotation marks(") to form a string. When run, the string We own you is sent to the console output device. Yes, it is also called the computer screen.

Important note: C++ is case sensitive. That means cout and Cout is not the same thing.

2.7. Return

The second statement was:


which causes the program to terminate sending the value 0 to the computer. The value "0" indicates that the program terminated without error.

Note: The statements end with a semicolon (;). A semicolon in C++ indicate the end of a statement.


3.1. Decimals

The base 10 number system. Uses 10 digits: 0 to 9. Numbers raised to the zero power is equal to one. For example: 5 to the power 0 = 1. Base ten equivalent of the number 

2600 = 2 x (10 to the power 3) + 6 x (10 to the power 2)
33 = 3 x (10 to the power 1) + 3 x (10 to the power 0)

3.2. Binaries

The base 2 number system. Uses 2 digits : 0 and 1. Works the same as base 10 except we multiply numbers by the powers of 2 instead. For example 110 is equal to 6 in base 10:

110 = 1 x (2 to the power 2) + 1 x (2 to the power 1) = 6(base10)

3.3. Hexadecimal

The base 16 number system. Uses 16 digits. 0 to 9 & "A" to "F". Works the same as base 10 & base two except the numbers are multiplied by the powers of 16 instead:

1B = 1 x (16 to the power 1) + 2(B) x (16 to the power of 0) = 30(base10)


4.1. Running

Find & install a compiler, type the example program and run it. Pretty simple but be sure the syntax is correct.

4.2. Typing

Make a program which displays your name without looking to this tutorial. Makes you learn a lot better.

4.3. Converting

Convert these to decimals : 110101, 001101, 10101110
Convert these to hexadecimals : 234, 324, 19394
Convert these to binaries : 2F, 1B3, 234, 125

List of Malwares::

1. Viruses. The malware that’s on the news so much, even your grandmother knows what it is. You probably already have heard plenty about why this kind of software is bad for you, so there’s no need to belabor the point.

2. Worms. Slight variation on viruses. The difference between viruses and worms is that viruses hide inside the files of real computer programs (for instance, the macros in Word or the VBScript in many other Microsoft applications), while worms do not infect a file or program, but rather stand on their own.

3. Wabbits. Be honest: had you ever even heard of wabbits before (outside of Warner Bros. cartoons)? According to Wikipedia, wabbits are in fact rare, and it’s not hard to see why: they don’t do anything to spread to other machines. A wabbit, like a virus, replicates itself, but it does not have any instructions to email itself or pass itself through a computer network in order to infect other machines. The least ambitious of all malware, it is content simply to focus on utterly devastating a single machine. 

4. Trojans. Arguably the most dangerous kind of malware, at least from a social standpoint. While Trojans rarely destroy computers or even files, that’s only because they have bigger targets: your financial information, your computer’s system resources, and sometimes even massive denial-of-service attack launched by having thousands of computers all try to connect to a web server at the same time.

5. Spyware. In another instance of creative software naming, spyware is software that spies on you, often tracking your internet activities in order to serve you advertising. (Yes, it’s possible to be both adware and spyware at the same time.) 
6. Backdoors. Backdoors are much the same as Trojans or worms, except that they do something different: they open a “backdoor” onto a computer, providing a network connection for hackers or other malware to enter or for viruses or sp@m to be sent out through.

7. Exploits. Exploits attack specific security vulnerabilities. You know how Microsoft is always announcing new updates for its operating system? Often enough the updates are really trying to close the security hole targeted in a newly discovered exploit. 

8. Rootkit. The malware most likely to have a human touch, rootkits are installed by crackers (bad hackers) on other people’s computers. The rootkit is designed to camouflage itself in a system’s core processes so as to go undetected. It is the hardest of all malware to detect and therefore to remöve; many experts recommend completely wiping your hard drive and reinstalling everything fresh.

9. Keyloggers. No prïze for guessing what this software does: yes, it logs your keystrokes, i.e., what you type. Typically, the malware kind of keyloggers (as opposed to keyloggers deliberately installed by their owners to use in diagnosing computer problems) are out to log sensitive information such as passwords and financial details.

10. Dialers. Dialers dial telephone numbers via your computer’s modem. Like keyloggers, they’re only malware if you don’t want them. Dialers either dial expensive premium-rate telephone numbers, often located in small countries far from the host computer; or, they dial a hacker’s machine to transmit stolen data.

11. URL injectors. This software “injects” a given URL in place of certain URLs when you try to visit them in your browser. Usually, the injected URL is an affïliate link to the target URL. An affïliate link is a special link used to track the traffïc an affïliate (advertiser) has sent to the original website, so that the original website can pay commissions on any salës from that traffïc.

12. Adware. The least dangerous and most lucrative malware (lucrative for its distributors, that is). Adware displays ads on your computer. The Wikipedia entry on malware does not give adware its own category even though adware is commonly called malware. As Wikipedia notes, adware is often a subset of spyware. The implication is that if the user chooses to allow adware on his or her machine, it’s not really malware, which is the defense that most adware companies take. In reality, however, the choice to install adware is usually a lëgal farce involving placing a mention of the adware somewhere in the installation materials, and often only in the licensing agreement, which hardly anyone reads.

TIP: make sure that you have an updated antivirus or antispyware to avoid malwares...

India's economy grows faster than expected

A worker in an Indian factory
A slowdown in key sectors such as manufacturing has hurt India's growth rate

India's economic growth rate picked up strongly in the second quarter, according to official figures.
The economy expanded at an annual rate of 4.8% in the July-to-September period, up from 4.4% in the previous quarter.
The acceleration was faster than analysts had been expecting.
Asia's third-largest economy has been weighed down by various factors, such as high inflation, a weak currency and a drop in foreign investment.
This is the fourth quarter in a row that India's annual growth rate has been below the 5% mark, and the previous quarter's rate of 4.4% was the lowest for four years.
Earlier this year, the Indian prime minister's economic advisory council lowered the growth outlook for the current financial year.
It now expects the economy to expand by 5.3% this year, down from its earlier projection of 6.4%.
Growth hurdles
India's economy has been hurt by a range of factors in recent months, including a slowdown in key sectors such as mining and manufacturing.
Slowing growth, coupled with a recovery in developed markets, such as the US, has made India a less attractive option for foreign investors.

US Dollar v Indian Rupee

LAST UPDATED AT 29 NOV 2013, 23:46 GMT
USD:INR three month chart
$1 buyschange%
Speculation that the US may scale back its key economic stimulus measure has seen investors pull money out of emerging markets, such as India.
This has affected India's currency, which dipped nearly 25% against the US dollar between January and September this year.
Though the rupee has recovered a little since then, it is still down about 13% against the dollar since the start of this year.
That has made imports more expensive and contributed to a high rate of consumer inflation, which was 10.1% October, up from 9.84% in September.
High food and fuel prices have contributed to inflation becoming "entrenched", finance minister P Chidambaram said.
As a result, the central bank has had to raise the cost of borrowing in a bid to curb inflation.
The latest interest rate rise in October saw the key rate increase to 7.75%.
Some observers argue that high interest rates are hurting businesses and households, and having a negative impact on the economy.
"A combination of weak investment, high inflation and tight monetary policy would not let India's economic recovery gather steam any time soon," Miguel Chanco, Asia economist at Capital Economics, told the BBC.

Black Friday shopping in US marred by violence

Several outbreaks of violence have marred the US Black Friday shopping frenzy, as bargain-hunters besieged malls across the US.
In Chicago police shot an alleged shoplifter; a robber shot a shopper in Las Vegas; and a California police officer was injured in a fight.
Black Friday, the day following the Thanksgiving holiday, is the biggest shopping day of the year in the US.
This year it began even earlier amid a trend for Thanksgiving openings.
Twelve national chains opened their doors on Thursday, advertising aggressive discounts.
Pepper spray
Some 15,000 shoppers stormed the flagship Macy's in New York City as it opened for the first time ever on Thanksgiving evening.
Pointing at the mobbed department store, Brazilian tourist Luis Figueiro told Reuters news agency: "This is madness.
"There are so many people here, you can't see any of the things on sale."
There were several incidents of retail-related disorder across the US:
  • In Chicago, a police officer shot a suspected shoplifter driving a car that was dragging a fellow officer at a Kohl's department store. The suspect and the dragged officer were treated in hospital for shoulder injuries. Three people were arrested, reports the Chicago Tribune
  • A shopper in Las Vegas who was carrying a big-screen TV home from a Target store on Thanksgiving was shot in the leg as he tried to wrestle the item back from a robber who had just stolen it from him at gunpoint, reports the Las Vegas Sun
  • At a southern California Walmart store, a police officer's wrist was broken as he tried to break up a fight between two men in the queue outside; there were two more fights over goods inside, reports the San Bernadino Sun
  • A 23-year-old man was doused with pepper spray and arrested after he allegedly attacked a police officer responding to an argument over a television at a Walmart in Garfield, New Jersey, reports the Star-Ledger
  • Despite Walmart's pledge to overhaul its crowd-control measures, scenes of mayhem such as this one were apparently filmed at a store in Fort Worth, Texas
  • Two arrests were made after a man was stabbed in an argument over a parking space at a Walmart in Virginia, reports local television station WVVA
Workers' groups have protested that the trend towards Thursday opening means retail employees can no longer spend the day at home with their families, which is supposed to be the point of Thanksgiving.
Some retail analysts have begun to dub the holiday Black Thanksgiving, or Grey Thursday.
Workers held demonstrations on Friday outside Walmart stores in the city of Ontario, California, and in Elgin, Illinois, demanding better pay and conditions.
There was anecdotal evidence that the Thursday openings have led to an easing off in consumer footfall on Black Friday itself, though the increased popularity of online shopping could be another factor.
By late Friday morning, the number of shoppers in many stores was more typical of a normal Saturday than the usual frenetic start to the holiday season.
Downtown Manhattan, for example, was busy, but not at saturation level.
The US celebration of Thanksgiving is always marked on the fourth Thursday in November.
The day after is known as Black Friday because that was the time of year when retailers began making a profit, or moved out of the red and into the black.
Some 97 million Americans hit the shops on Black Friday, according to the National Retail Federation.
Last year on the day Americans spent $11.2bn (£6.8bn).
People enter Macy's Herald Square as the store opens its doors at 8 pm Thanksgiving day on November 28, 2013 in New York City
Macy's in New York City opened its doors at 20:00 on Thanksgiving day
Sabastian Valenzuela, left, and his older brother Alberto compare prices for iPad tablets at a Best Buy late in the evening on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013, in Dunwoody, Ga
These two brothers were comparing iPad prices in Dunwoody, Georgia
People line up outside a Toys'R'Us store in Times Square before their Black Friday Sale in New York November 28, 2013.
There were queues outside Toys R Us in Times Square in New York
A group of protesters walk through the Walmart retail store parking lot on Black Friday in Elgin, Illinois, ON 29 November 2013
There were protests at Walmart stores - such as this one in Elgin, Illinois - by workers demanding better pay and conditions
 A customer gives the thumbs-up as she leaves with her purchased items outside Wal-Mart Thanksgiving day on November 28, 2013 in Troy, Michigan
These happy consumers leave Walmart in Troy, Michigan
A man pushes two televisions in a shopping cart at a Target store in Colma, Calif., on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013.
Modern Thanksgiving celebrations: Buying two TVs at Target in Colma, California
Black Friday shoppers carry out a purchased flat screen tv, seen here on Thursday November 28, 2013, at the Best Buy store in Fairfax, Virginia.
More happy TV purchasers in Fairfax, Virginia

Thailand police fend off mass protests in Bangkok

Police in Thailand have fended off protesters who descended on key sites in Bangkok trying to unseat the government of Yingluck Shinawatra.
Protesters entered TV stations to ensure their leader's call for a general strike for Monday was broadcast and Ms Yingluck was forced to evacuate a police complex.
However, tear gas and water cannon defied protesters at Government House and the police HQ was also defended.
Four people have died in the violence.
Sunday is the eighth day of protests aimed at unseating Ms Yingluck. In addition to those killed, dozens of people have been injured.
Thailand police fend off mass protests in Bangkok
The BBC's Jonah Fisher: "The government is not taking any chances"
The protesters had declared Sunday the decisive "V-Day" of what they termed a "people's coup".
They say Ms Yingluck's administration is controlled by her brother, exiled ex-leader Thaksin Shinawatra, and they want to replace it with a "People's Council".
Some 30,000 protesters gathered at about eight sites, police said, including Government House, television stations and the police headquarters.
Protesters did enter several TV stations to ensure the message from their leader, ex-deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban, was aired.
It was broadcast by almost all of Thailand's channels.
He said: "To continue the people's operation and to eliminate Thaksin's regime, the People's Democratic Reform Committee would like to announce that Monday 2nd December is a holiday for every government section."
Thailand police fend off mass protests in Bangkok
The worst violence on Sunday was around Government House
Thailand police fend off mass protests in Bangkok
Police fired tear gas, with many of the protesters throwing the canisters back
Thailand police fend off mass protests in Bangkok
Both protesters and security forces felt the effects of the tear gas
He called on the government to "think of the country, stop blaming and hurting the people, and return the power to the people".
Mr Suthep said protesters had seized a dozen government buildings, but national security chief Paradorn Pattanathabutr told Reuters that none had been taken over.
"They haven't seized a single place," he said.
The BBC's Jonathan Head in Bangkok says protesters had approached their targets in cheering, colourful columns, but could not get past the clouds of gas and concrete barricades.
He says Mr Suthep had promised a people's revolt to overthrow the entire political system but by the end of the day he had lowered his ambitions, to a one-day general strike called for Monday.
Ms Yingluck had intended to give media interviews on Sunday at a Bangkok police complex but was forced to evacuate when protesters tried to break in. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash

 US actor Paul Walker, who starred in the Fast & Furious series of action films, has been killed in a car crash in California.

Walker, 40, was a passenger in a Porsche sports car driven by a friend - who also died - when it crashed north of Los Angeles.
Walker was said to be attending a charity event at the time.
He starred in all but one of the films in the Fast & Furious franchise, the sixth of which opened in May.
Walker also starred in the suspense drama Hours, a movie that is set for release this month.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's department said the crash happened in the community of Valencia.

Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash

The red Porsche crashed into a lamp post in Valencia, north of Los Angeles
Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash

The sports car burst into flames after the crash
It said deputies found a car engulfed in flames when they responded to a report of a collision. Two people found in the car were pronounced dead at the scene.
Images showed the burned-out wreckage of a red Porsche by the side of the road.
"It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organisation Reach Out Worldwide," the statement on the actor's Facebook page said.

Start Quote

Heaven has gained a new Angel. Rest in Peace”
Vin DieselFast & Furious co-star
"He was a passenger in a friend's car, in which both lost their lives. We... are stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news.''
Universal Pictures also issued a statement, saying studio staff were "heartbroken" by Walker's death.
"Paul was truly one of the most beloved and respected members of our studio family for 14 years, and this loss is devastating to us, to everyone involved with the Fast & Furious films, and to countless fans.
"We send our deepest and most sincere condolences to Paul's family."
Walker played undercover agent Brian O'Conner in the Fast & Furious movies.
The first film of the franchise was released in 2001 and the seventh is in development.
Walker was one of the leading protagonists, along with Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez.
Diesel said in a post on Instagram: "Brother I will miss you very much. I am absolutely speechless. Heaven has gained a new Angel. Rest in Peace."

Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash

Walker's co-star Vin Diesel (left) said the actor's death had left him 'speechless'
Another Fast & Furious star, the rapper Ludacris, wrote: "Your humble spirit was felt from the start, wherever you blessed your presence you always left a mark, we were like brothers."
Walker began acting as a young boy when his mother, a model, took him to auditions for commercials.
After drifting away from acting, he got his big break when a casting director remembered him from years before, tracked him down and gave him a role in the TV series Touched by an Angel.
Walker later won a recurring part in the soap The Young and the Restless before moving on to supporting roles in teen films in the late 1990s with Varsity Blues, She's All That and The Skulls.
After the success of the first Fast & Furious film, Walker became the leading man for the second instalment when Vin Diesel dropped out.
Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash

The sixth instalment of the Fast & Furious franchise topped the US box office
Diesel later returned, however, and the six-film franchise has earned an estimated $2.4bn (£1.5bn) at global box offices. The series has not lost its appeal, with the latest instalment, the sixth, the most lucrative so far.
The seventh instalment began filming in September but has not been completed. It had been scheduled for release in July.
Walker has also filmed Hurricane Katrina drama Hours, which is due to be released on 13 December.
Another forthcoming film is Brick Mansions, a remake of the French action film District B13, for film studio Relativity.
Relativity President Tucker Tooley said in a statement: "Paul was an incredibly talent artist, devoted philanthropist and friend."
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